End of Daylight Savings Makes Good Night Vision More Important than Ever
On Sunday, November 6th at approximately 2:00 AM in Denver, Daylight Savings will be coming to an end. And you know what that means… we all get an extra hour of sleep! However, while more sleep is definitely something to be grateful for, the time shift does have its consequences. According to our clocks, the sun will be setting an hour earlier. That means we’ll be spending more of our waking hours in the dark. Therefore, if you’re someone who commutes to work, you’ll want to make sure that your night vision is in good working order.
If you’re someone who suffers from poor night vision, now is a good time to reach out to my team and I at Stack Optical in Denver. We offer a variety of services that can help improve your night vision including comprehensive eye exams, prescription glasses and contacts, anti-glare lenses, specialty eyewear, anti-reflective coated glasses, and more!
Many people think that poor night vision is unavoidable and is just something they just have to live with. But this isn’t at all true! Chances are, whatever is getting in the way of your ability to see well at night is probably treatable. And it could be as simple of a fix as updating your eyeglass prescription!
If you’re having trouble seeing at night, I invite you to contact my office to schedule an appointment so you can explore the many solutions available to you and get your night vision back on track!
What Causes Poor Night Vision?
Poor night vision, or night blindness, usually occurs as the result of compromised vision or eye health. Affected individuals may start to notice their vision issues when driving at night. Their eyes are sensitive to traffic lights and the bright headlights of other drivers and, because of their vision issues, find it difficult to see in the dark.
Vision impairment of this type can be caused by a variety of factors such as:
• Sun exposure: Spending too much time in the sun without sunglasses can affect your night vision. Sustained sun exposure can affect your night vision for up to two days. Long-term, sun exposure can lead to problems like cataracts and eye damage.
• Nearsightedness: Untreated myopia (nearsightedness) can affect your night vision.
• Improper eyewear: Wearing inadequate eyewear that causes glare can also affect your night vision. In some cases, non-prescription glasses with yellow lenses designed to filter out blue light may also reduce nighttime visibility.
• Night driving glare: Glare caused by headlights and traffic lights can affect your color recognition, depth perception, and peripheral vision.
• Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a common condition characterized by an imperfection in the curvature of your eyes. It’s common for people with astigmatism to have poor night vision.
• Cataracts: Cataracts can affect your depth perception and ability to see clearly at night. Cataracts can occur as the result of aging, eye damage, or the use of certain medications.
• Nutrient deficiency: Night blindness can occur as the result of a deficiency in Vitamin A. or zinc, or other nutrients.
• Other health issues: Other health issues such as diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, and complications from LASIK surgery may also have an impact on your night vision.
Solutions for Correcting Night Blindness
Now that you know a little bit more about what causes night blindness, let’s talk about what you can do about it. Night blindness is not something to be brushed aside or ignored. Research shows that fatal car accidents are3 times more likely to occur at night than during the daytime. Not only does it make driving more dangerous, but it can also impact your ability to walk down a dimly lit street or hallway safely, put you at risk of tripping or falling, and affect your general quality of life.
The good news is, there are a variety of solutions out there for correcting night blindness. When you visit Stack Optical in Denver, my team and I will go over all the different options available to you and help you find the right one. Based on our discussion, here are some of the corrective measures that I may recommend:
Eye Exam:
First and foremost, we need to get down to the root cause of your condition and identify the issues impacting your ability to see clearly at night. The best way to do this is with an eye exam. Examining your eyes allows me to check up on their health and make sure that all individual components are working properly. Additionally, if you have eyeglasses or contacts, an exam allows me to confirm whether your prescription is up to date or needs adjustments.
Eye Surgery:
There are some cases in which I will recommend a patient to an outside specialist or eye surgeon who can help with their particular vision issues. For example, if your night vision problems are being caused by cataracts, then you may potentially be a candidate for cataract surgery and will need the care of a qualified physician.
Prescription Glasses for Driving at Night
In many cases, night vision problems can be solved with an updated eyeglass prescription. At Stack Optical, we offer specialty prescription eyeglasses for driving at night. This includes prescription glasses with AR (anti-reflective) coatings, glasses with anti-glare technology, and prescription lenses for UV protection. Prescription driving glasses like these can help reduce reflections, provide better aesthetics, and allow for safer nighttime driving.
Additional Tips for Improving Your Night Vision
In addition to the steps above, you may want to take the follow actions to improve your night vision:
• Have your eyes checked on a regular basis
• Protect your eyes from the sun with polarized sunglasses or prescription sunglasses
• Avoid eye strain caused by staring at your computer or cell phone for too long
• Give your eyes time to adjust from bright to dark light
• Focus on eating well and staying healthy
• Avoid smoking
• Get enough sleep so that your eyes can rest
• Consult your eye doctor whenever you experience changes in your vision
Are You Having Problems with Your Night Vision?
If you’re having difficulty seeing clearly at night or have concerns about your vision that you would like to discuss with an expert, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Stack Optical has helped numerous patients in Denver improve their night vision and overall eye health. My team and I will be more than happy to assist you and help you find the right solution. Call our office at: (303) 321-1578 to schedule an appointment.
Allen Stack, Owner – Stack Optical